Written By: Makinsey Ekman
Below are a series of worksheets to help English language learners (ages 4-7) memorize basic colors and numbers 1-10. These worksheets can also be used for children who simply need to practice writing out their colors or reading written numbers.
The most important thing to remember when teaching children is repetition, repetition, repetition. Have them practice often, and when they make a mistake encourage them to try again.
Below is a downloadable PDF for the colors of the rainbow. When teaching my children colors I have them repeat the color as they do each of the three sections in the worksheet.
For example: ME: "what color is this apple?" CHILD: "red" ME: "Great job!"...ME: "What color are you coloring the apple?" CHILD: "red" ME: "That's right!"...etc, etc.
Below is a downloadable PDF for the numbers 1-10. As with the color worksheet above, I also have my children repeat the number they are working on over and over.
Helpful Hints
If your children are struggling with their numbers or colors, I recommend focusing on just one a day. After completing the worksheet on that color or number, then have your child run around your home finding either the same color or grabbing the same number of objects as they've been practicing. In addition, go over the color or number they learned the previous day before moving on to the next. Even if they need help, it's important to review their work every day.
As always when working with children, remember to be patient. It may not seem like they are fully comprehending everything today, but if you can stick with it and be positive they will. Every kid is different and learns at a different rate, and there's nothing wrong with that.
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