Surviving as a One-Car Family


I’ll be honest, having only one car makes family life difficult sometimes! We had two cars our first year of marriage, but gave mine back to my parents when we moved from Utah to Florida. It’s now been ten years, and we’re still rocking as a one-car family!

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Take advantage of online retailers! For us, Walmart is near-ish but still slightly out of our everyday driving radius, so we don’t go very often. But sometimes there’s something that we can only get at Walmart, or is a better deal there compared to Publix or Target. So I save those items to a list and bulk-buy them to get free shipping!

For example, peanut butter and Malt-o-Meal Frosted Mini Spooners. My husband is super particular about which off-brand Frosted Mini Wheats we get, and the Mini Spooners are most-easily available and budget-friendly at Walmart. Online, you get free shipping with $35 orders, so

